Thursday, May 01, 2014

How Oracle AIA Error Handling Framework Captures Faults

       I wanted to share what Oracle actually recommends and depicts about the AIA error Handler because in projects developers don't use AIA error handler as it should have been used in recommendations.

The Oracle AIA Error Handling Framework is used to capture faults across order processing.
Figure below illustrates the interactions taking place when an order failure is detected by a fulfillment system, such as provisioning and Oracle BRM.

This image is described in surrounding text.

The Oracle AIA Error Handling Framework:
  • Allows custom enrichments to the fault message.
  • Publishes the enriched fault message to the AIA Error topic.
  • Provides a mechanism by which the Order Fallout Listener process picks only the messages that are relevant to the order failure.

 Creation and Submission of a Fault Message to the AIA Error Topic

This image is described in surrounding text.
The custom listener selectively picks up the messages from the AIA Error Topic and initiates the appropriate Create Trouble Ticket Business flow, as shown in the below figure.

 Initiating Appropriate Create Trouble Ticket Flow
This image is described in surrounding text.
Here are the steps:
  1. All of the enriched fault messages with the order failure details are posted to the AIA Error Topic (AIA_ERROR_TOPIC).
  2. Messages that are specific to order failure are stamped with a JMS Correlation ID like AIA_ORDERFALLOUT.
  3. The AIAOrderFalloutJMSBridgeService consumes the messages from the AIA_ERROR_TOPIC with JMSCorrelationID like AIA_ORDERFALLOUT and publishes them to the AIA_ORDERFALLOUT_JMSQ queue. (This queue is introduced to persist the order failure messages and ensure the messages are not lost if there are errors.)
  4. Messages that are specific to order failure have a JMS Correlation ID of either AIA_ORDERFALLOUT_TTS or AIA_ORDERFALLOUT_CFS, depending on whether the trouble ticket is created directly by Oracle AIA or the order failure notification is sent to Oracle OSM CFS.
    For more information about how to set up the seed data so that the trouble ticket is created either by Oracle AIA of Oracle OSM, see Section 27.5.2, "Using Error Type to Control Response to Order Fallout."
  5. The AIACOMOrderFalloutNotificationJMSConsumer picks up the fault messages and initiates the appropriate Create Trouble Ticket business flow. For the Create Trouble Ticket business flow:
  6. If the JMSCorrelationID = AIA_ORDERFALLOUT_TTS, the trouble ticket is directly created by Oracle AIA. (This is the default configuration.)
  7. If the JMSCorrelationID = AIA_ORDERFALLOUT_CFS, the order failure notification is sent to Oracle OSM CFS and Oracle OSM CFS initiates the Create Trouble Ticket request.

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